
5 days 4 nights

You will visit the authentic scenery on the northern and north eastern part of Ethiopia. It will be fun!!

5 Days

This guided tour includes driving 510 km in total with a private comfortable Toyota 4x4 equipped with air conditioning and seatbelts, fuel (gasoline), and a professional experienced tour guide and driver
Small group tour escorted by professional and experienced guides, cooks and drivers. The vehicles are 4WD with air-conditioning.
This Journey will take you to different adventures, historic sites and nomadic way of life, then visit all the amazing travel destinations of the Northern, Southern and Eastern Ethiopia.
Your journey begins with flying to Bahir Dar, and then explore the interesting Ancient and medieval historical places.This epic trip will end by visiting Dallol, Colorful sulfur springs, salt mining and camel caravans.
Your journey begins with flying to Bahir Dar, where you will explore the interesting ancient and medieval period historical Sites, then the trip will end by visiting Dallol, Colorful sulfur springs, salt mining and camel caravans.
5 Days Lalibela-Danakil Tour is unique as it is well-arranged including "must visit" historic sites of Lalibela, and the amazing nature of the Danakil.

1 Day

The Dallol region of Ethiopia is a cauldron of burning salt, volcanic rock and sulfuric acid and is officially the hottest place on the planet.
Enjoy this tour with a visit to four stunning attractions in Ethiopia... if your criteria includes both landscapes (Highland and Lowland) and also some amazing attractions.
Danakil Depression is one of the most unique geological regions on earth. A strange and mysterious landscape scattered with noxious hot springs and lava.
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