ETT 1401 – 5 DAYS Lalibela / Axum / Tigray churches / Danakil

Departure Date



5 days 4 nights



Maximum Seats


Tour Overview

Day 1

Addis – Lalibela

In the morning, fly north to Lalibela and be transferred to your hotel. After lunch, visit the first group of Lalibela Churches which are located north of a small stream named Jordan River. These Churches were carved during the time of King Lalibela (1181 – 1221) and are registered by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. In the city of Lalibela you will see about Eleven Rock Churches organized into groups of three. Overnight Lalibela Lodge
Day 2

Lalibela to Axum

Catch a flight from Lalibela to Axum in the morning. Visit 1 hour in Axum and drive from Axum – Hawzien (190 kms, 2 hours) Drive from Axum to Hawzein via Adwa Finally drive to Hawzen for overnight via Gheralta plains. You can use the town as the base from which to visit the rock-hewn churches at Gheralta. Overnight at Hawzien. (Gerealta Lodge or Wukro Lodge)
Day 3

Hawzien - Mekele – Danakil Ertale

We start our day by driving to Erta Ale via Mekele (which means smoky mountain in Afar language). Erta Ale ranks one of the most alluring and physically challenging natural attractions anywhere in Ethiopia. It is a shield volcano with a base diameter of 30 km and 1km square caldera at its summit. Erta Ale contains the world’s only permanent lava lake. It is 613 meters, with a lava lake, one of only five in the world, at the summit. It is notable for being the longest existing lava lake, present since the early years of the twentieth century. We start early 9:00 AM, drive to Dodom (at the base of Erta Ale). This is may be one of the roughest roads in the world. The 80 km distance may take about 6 hrs passing through changing landscape of solidified lava, rock, sand and occasional palm lined oasis. After passing several small hamlets scattered here and there in this deserted land, you will arrive to Dodom camping site, located about 17km from Erta Ale. Dinner will be served around 17:00 o’clock. After a short break, trek up to Ertale at 20:00 hours. Camels will be transporting all the camping materials and some food (sleeping materials like light mattresses and mat and water) to the rim of the volcano, where we spend the night watching the dramatic action of the boiling lava. You will spend the night on top of the mountain, at the rim of the Volcano.
Day 4

Erta ale - Dallol

Early Morning sunrise at the northern one corresponds to the main pit crater and walk 5 minutes for the southern and central pits could either corresponds to an ancient pit, or to a simple collapse structure. The main pit-crater, 200 m deep and 350 m across, is sub-circular and three-storied. The smaller southern pit is 65 m wide and about 100 m deep. Descend from Erta Ale around 9 am Dodom – Leave back to Dodom after an early breakfast, if possible at 07:00 o’clock. You will reach the latest at 10:30 o’clock at the camp, where you will be relaxing. As soon as possible, drive to reach the mythical Lake Giulietti (or Lake Afrera)(optional may not be available during summer time), a saltwater lake located more than100 meters below sea level, in one of the deepest depressions of the planet. Because of the picturesque landscape, it is interesting to visit the salt flats where the Afar people obtain the salt by evaporating the water of the lake., continue to Erbiti and proceed Abaala/ Hamed Ela
Day 5

Danakil/Dallol to Mekele

Morning tour Drive to Ragad (Asebo), the place where the localities are mining salt. Look the activity of workers breaking salts from the ground, cutting into rectangular pieces and loading on camels. You drive ahead to Dallol and visit the difference landscape formed by volcanic activity, Dallol + Lake Assal + camel caravans. Excursion to Dallol (116 meters below sea level, one of the lowest places in the world) colorful salts mining, visit Lake Assal, follow up camel caravans (No camel caravan on July, August, and early September) and walk with the Afar people. Drive back to Hamedela and proceed to Mekele. Catch a flight back to Addis at 7:50 pm, arriving in Addis at 9:10 pm


  • All Entrance fees and local guides as per the program

  • Hotel with Bed and Breakfast

  • Danakil is full board

  • Bottles of water

  • Surface transportation expense

  • Local guide service as per program

  • Cooking and camping equipments

  • Scout and police service as per program


  • Any alcoholic drinks

  • Laundry services

  • Any expense of personal items like Internet and telephone

  • Services which are not mentioned on the inclusion

Book Tour

Tour Name Price Per Adult Price Per Child Available Seats Departure Date Duration
ETT 1401 – 5 DAYS Lalibela / Axum / Tigray churches / Danakil $ 600.00 $ 0.00 20 Anytime 5 days 4 nights

Booking Information

Name Price ( Adults/Children ) Persons ( Adults/Children ) Quantity Total


Subtotal $ 0.00
Total $ 0.00

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